5 Love Quotes To Share With Your Boyfriend

Love is an amazing feeling that everyone wants to experience. But many of us forget to express our feelings to the one who we love the most.

Here are 5 love quotes for sharing your feelings with the one you love, without feeling awkward.

1. “You never know what you got ’til its gone”

This is one of the most powerful love quotes that will help you to understand that you need to cherish the moments that you share with your loved one.

2. “Love is a gift that keeps giving, each day with you is a miracle.”

If you are feeling lost and cannot think of anything, then this quote will remind you that you need to appreciate the presence of your partner in your life.

3. “I have found the paradox that if you love until it hurts, there is no hurt left to hurt.”

If you are feeling tired and you feel that you can’t face the world, then this quote will remind you that you need to be happy for the sake of your loved ones.

4. “Be yourself because every copy of you that has existed in the universe has already been made.”

If you are worried about the future and you are not confident of yourself, then this quote will make you realize that you don’t need to change. You just need to be confident and be yourself.

5. “If you truly love someone, set them free. Don’t hold them back, let them go. Let them spread their wings and fly, because you’ll be better off when they come back.”

If you are feeling that your love is not growing, then this quote will remind you that you need to be patient. If you keep trying and trying, you will definitely get a loving relationship that will change your life.


These are some of the best love quotes for sharing your feelings with your boyfriend. Do you have any love quotes for your boyfriend or wife? Share them in the comment box below.

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