4 Types Of Relationship You Need To Understand Before Going Out With Someone

When you are in a relationship and when someone is your girlfriend, then the question of whether you will be the one who will ask her to be your girlfriend or she will ask you to be her boyfriend is a big question for you. But before you ask that question, you need to understand the type of relationship you are looking for.

Nowadays, we have seen a lot of new terms used in the relationship and in case of dating, you will see people using different terms for it. One term which is gaining a lot of attention in the recent times is that of being girlfriend and boyfriend.

What is being a boyfriend and girlfriend?

Being boyfriend and girlfriend means that you are in a relationship with someone and the person that you are dating is your girlfriend. Being a boyfriend and girlfriend is not only a relation of a guy and a girl, but it is a special kind of relationship which you can share with your friends and family.

Being a boyfriend and girlfriend is a serious relationship, but the good thing is that you will feel less awkward while talking to your friends and family members. You will also get a lot of support from your friends and family members in case you have any problem.

What are the different types of relationships?

There are a lot of types of relationships and you should choose the one that is suitable for your personality and lifestyle. You may have a relationship with your family members, friends, coworkers, neighbors and a lot of people.

You should be clear with the kind of relationship you are looking for and when you will be ready to take it to the next level.

Here are the different types of relationships you can have:

#1: Best friend

A best friend is the best relationship you can have. It is a friendship and not a romantic relationship. It is a platonic relationship where you can trust each other and share everything without worrying about your feelings.

You can call your friend as best friend and you can have a lot of fun together.

#2: Friend with benefits

Friend with benefits is the second relationship you can have. It is a relationship where you share some things with your friend but there is no commitment. You can have sex with your friend and that is what you are looking for.

You can also use this relationship for the purpose of fun and pleasure.

#3: Romantic relationship

In this relationship, you will have a lot of fun and you will also fall in love. In this kind of relationship, you can share your feelings and share all your secrets.

It is a very emotional and beautiful relationship.

#4: Girlfriend/boyfriend

If you are going to be in a relationship with a girl, then it will be called as a girlfriend. And if you are going to be in a relationship with a boy, then it will be called as a boyfriend.

You can have a romantic relationship with a boy or a girl and both of you can share a lot of things with each other.


As you can see, these are the different kinds of relationships that you can have and choose the one that is right for you. If you are a girl, then you should choose the first option, but if you are a boy, then you should choose the second option.

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