What is a Sigma Male?

A sigma male, also known as a black belt, is a male member of the social economic hierarchy who decides to live his private life outside of the conventional social hierarchy systems of society. These males usually walk a lonely path alone. They may be called irlizons, wanderers or solitary wolves. They lead very unique lives, seeking meaning and self discovery.

For many years now: walking away from the beaten path has been the goal of many sigma males. They are not trying to climb the corporate ladder. They are not looking for a promotion at work. They are not looking for a girlfriend. These men are not looking for sex, they are looking to move on the path of self discovery.

In the modern world today: many men have found themselves on the wrong path in regards to their social hierarchy relationships. They have chosen to live a bachelor lifestyle, a rather passive life if you will. They have not followed the archetypes of what a successful and fulfilled person should act like. Often times, these sigma males have become what is commonly referred to as, “Lone Wolves.”

The other thing about a sigma male: that makes him so rare and interesting, is that he is living outside of two types of social hierarchy. The first is the socio-sexual hierarchy of marriage and family. This is the typical situation that you see with these men. He has found himself not being satisfied with his current marriage and family. He is looking for new and different people. He is trying to find fulfillment outside the constraints of marriage and family.

The other archetypes: that a sigma male tends to fall under is the one of the alpha archetypes. The reason why he tends to fall under this archetype is because he will act in a way that will send a clear message to any potential female that he is interested in that he is an alpha male. He is by his very nature, not afraid to use his power and authority in order to get what he wants. In fact, many times, the women will see this as a sign of strength and boldness.

The other reason that he tends to be a sigma male: and potentially the alpha male, is that there are a lot of alpha males out there that he can take advantage of. Many men who go through what is called “sigma training” tend to be highly aggressive, but when pushed into a situation where they have to take charge and stand up for themselves, they will usually back down. They do this because they understand the concept of dominance hierarchy and the psychological effect that it has on people.

They know that if they are going to be successful at anything, then they need to be able to assert their dominance and put other people in their place.

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