Bases Of Dating

Dating is the most important thing in everyone’s life, but only few people understand the basics of dating. In this article, I will talk about some of the most common bases of dating and why people fail in it.

Don’t be a creep

Yes, I am talking about the creepy guy who just wants to touch you everywhere. The people who always want to get close to you. These guys don’t know the fact that they are making you uncomfortable.

They think that they will never get rejected and people just fall into their trap. Yes, it is true that most of the guys think that girls will accept their advances, but the fact is not true. Most of the guys don’t know how to deal with rejection and if you reject them then they will feel hurt and think that you don’t like them.

Be a good listener

Talking is not the only way to communicate, but listening is the most important part of communication. You need to listen to what your partner has to say, then you will know the way to make your relationship more successful.

If you are not listening to your partner then it means you are not interested in him/her. It will only lead to break up and you will be in a bad situation. So, be a good listener and make your relationship more stable.

Don’t cheat

Cheating is the worst thing that you can do in your relationship. If you are cheating then you are just cheating yourself. So, don’t be a cheater because it will only lead to break up.

It will ruin the whole relationship and you will be in a bad position. So, be a good person and don’t cheat.

Be a responsible person

You have to be responsible for your relationship. You can’t just run away from the responsibilities and then you will get a bad name. So, don’t leave your responsibilities and don’t let the relationship to collapse.

Don’t be a jealous person

You are jealous when your partner is talking to other girls. You don’t like it when your partner is spending time with someone else. If you are jealous then it is better for you to break up and start a new relationship.


These are the seven most common bases of dating and I am sure you will love the tips that I have shared with you. I have also shared some tips about how to handle your partner when you are angry. So, if you have any doubts in your relationship then you can share your concerns with us.

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