Freaky Things To Say To Your Boyfriend

What is the first thing that comes into your mind when you think of your boyfriend? Is he handsome? Is he good looking? Is he good to you? What kind of personality does he have? All these questions will pop up in your mind if you think of your boyfriend and I am sure you will love him more if you know what he likes.

There are many things that girls like to hear from their boyfriends, but some of them can be a little freaky. These are the things that you should not talk to your boyfriend.

1. Tell me something that I don’t know

This is the most common thing that girls do to their boyfriends. They like to tell him that they don’t know a particular thing. But you shouldn’t do it to your boyfriend. This is not fair, as he will get annoyed if you start telling him that you don’t know something.

2. I wish you were my father

This is one of the most common things that girls say to their boyfriends. They say this because they want to be with their fathers, but this is not true. If you really want to be with your boyfriend, then you should be with him and not his father.

3. Stop acting like a child

When you talk to your boyfriend, you should act like an adult. Don’t act like a child, as you don’t have to act like a child. You will have to grow up when you start talking to your boyfriend.

4. Tell me something about yourself

This is another common thing that girls do to their boyfriends. They tell their boyfriends about their lives. If you have a job, then you should tell him about it. He will be happy if you talk to him about your life.

5. I wish you were dead

This is one of the most freaky things that girls say to their boyfriends. They will tell their boyfriends that they wish he was dead. They don’t like the person that they are dating. They can’t be with him anymore.

6. I want to sleep with you

Girls will always want to sleep with their boyfriends. But this is not good for a relationship. You should avoid this and you should ask your boyfriend whether he wants to sleep with you or not.

7. Stop being stupid

Talking to your boyfriend will be fun and interesting, but you shouldn’t talk to him in a funny way. You should talk to him in a normal manner, as you can’t be with a weird guy.


If you want to impress your boyfriend, then you should start talking to him in a normal way. You should talk to him in a proper way and you should avoid doing the freaky things that I have told you.

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