How Dating A Narcissist Changes You

As a woman, I think there is no better feeling than getting a new boyfriend. It feels amazing to be in a relationship where you feel wanted and loved, right? But when you get into a relationship with a narcissist, things change.

A narcissist is a person who is self-centered, and they will always put their needs first. They are selfish and will only care about themselves. If you are dating a narcissist, then you will need to prepare yourself for many things. Here are some signs that you are dating a narcissist.

They will be secretive and lie

They will try to hide their true self from you, and they will lie to you. They will not tell you the truth about their actions.

They will criticize you

If you don’t agree with his opinions, he will criticise you. They will blame you for everything and will not be able to accept your thoughts. He will make fun of your ideas and will always be negative.

They will never make you happy

A narcissist will never make you happy. They will only make you feel bad and will make you feel like you are not good enough.

They will demand your attention

They will demand your attention and will always want to be in the limelight. They will constantly want to be the centre of attention.

They will lie about everything

They will lie about almost everything. They will pretend to be someone else and will make you believe that everything is fine.

They will cheat on you

A narcissist will cheat on you and will always be unfaithful. They will use you for sex and will not make any commitment.


These are some of the signs that you are dating a narcissist. If you think that your partner is behaving like this, then it is time to leave him. It is important that you are always truthful with him and that you don’t let him control you.

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