I Don’t Know How To Love Him

Sometimes you meet a guy, but he will never notice you. In fact, you feel that this guy is ignoring you and that you are the only one in the world.

The truth is that guys don’t pay attention to you because they are busy and it is not easy to fall in love with someone when you are just getting to know each other.

There are certain ways that will help you to make a man fall in love with you.

1. Be a good listener

You need to understand that a man doesn’t feel comfortable with a woman who is talking too much, but if you listen to what he says, he will feel that you are interested in him and that you are listening to him.

2. Do not talk too much

Talking too much will only make him annoyed and irritated. He will ignore you and will try to change the topic to avoid you.

3. Smile

If you smile at him and if you show interest in him, he will feel that you are beautiful and that you are attractive.

4. Ask him for a date

If you ask him for a date, he will feel that you are not rude and that you are trying to get to know him.

5. Wear a pretty dress

Wearing a beautiful dress will make you look beautiful and it will make him want to see you again.


These are some of the ways that you can make a man fall in love with you. Try them out and you will surely make a man fall in love with you.

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