I Don’t Want To Fall In Love

Love is a great thing that helps us to live our life, but it also brings the greatest of troubles. Love is the biggest emotion that can break a relationship. And when it happens, it is hard to understand and cope with that emotion.

The only thing that you can do is to avoid falling in love with the wrong person. I know it is not easy, but you will have to do it.

Here are some tips that will help you to avoid falling in love with the wrong person.

Don’t take decisions without thinking

Don’t take the first impression of someone into account. Remember that people can change their looks and behavior when they are in love.

Be open-minded

This is the biggest mistake done by people, but they fail to realize the fact that people are different. Don’t be biased towards someone.

Look at their past

People will change their behavior and attitude according to their experiences. If you know that your partner has a bad experience then don’t trust them.

Avoid taking the decision

Don’t take the first impression of someone into account. Take time and think before making the decision.

Don’t have strong emotions

The moment you feel something good, it is impossible to think anything else. When you are in love, you won’t even be able to think of anything else.


If you want to avoid falling in love with the wrong person, then follow these simple tips. They will help you to avoid falling in love.

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