Love Is So Short Forgetting Is So Long

Love is so short forgetting is so long. Love is a flower that blooms once and dies, forgetting is a river that flows through your life, flowing back to the ocean.

Losing someone dear is painful and difficult. It is very hard to bear the loss of a loved one. When you lose someone dear, it is so painful to remember him/her.

It is a normal thing to forget someone you have lost and to make yourself forget. However, if you try to forget, then it will be like trying to forget a flower which is dying and you will be unable to forget him/her.

There are so many ways to remember someone who has passed away, but I have chosen some effective and simple ones. Here are the top 5 ways to remember someone who has passed away.

Make an album

First of all, you need to make an album of the person you lost. There are different ways to make an album but you can use any of the options. You can create an online album, make a CD or you can use digital options as well. You can upload the pictures and write the memories that you had with the person.

Write the story

Another way to remember a lost person is by writing his/her story. Write the story of the person and how he/she was when you were friends. You can make the story as a diary or you can write the entire story. You can even tell your story to your friends or family members.

Memorize their name

People usually forget the names of people they haven’t seen in a long time. The same thing happens to you as well. When you get to know a new person, you will forget his/her name. You can try to memorize the name by making it a mantra or you can even add it in the middle of a poem.

Write their name

If you still don’t know how to remember someone’s name then write it down on a piece of paper. You can also make a note in your mobile phone. You can even make an app for it.

Write their phone number

If you don’t know how to remember someone’s phone number then you can make a note in your mobile phone or you can write it down on a piece of paper.


You can share the list of your thoughts and memories with your loved one’s family and friends. Try to make an album of the person and write his/her story. You can also write the memories of the person in the form of a diary or you can write his/her entire story.

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