My Boyfriend Smells Like Fish Down There

Have you ever seen a guy with a great personality and handsome looks but you don’t feel attracted towards him? Well, it is not only the appearance, it is about how your boyfriend acts.

He may be good looking but if he behaves like a rude person then you will never get attracted to him. The same thing applies to women, if he is a flirt or a cheat then you will never fall for him. But the point is that what makes a man attractive is not just his looks, it is his personality.

Your boyfriend will make you feel comfortable and attracted towards him if he has a good personality. Let me tell you why your boyfriend smells like fish down there.

10 reasons why your boyfriend smells like fish down there

1. He is lazy

A man who is lazy and careless is the first reason that your boyfriend smells like fish down there. He will not care about the hygiene and he will not take proper care of himself. So, he will stink like a fish because of the natural smell of his body.

2. He is an alcoholic

An alcoholic is someone who drinks too much alcohol, and if your boyfriend is an alcoholic then he will smell like fish down there. He will smell like a brewery and that is the reason for his fishy smell.

3. He is not using any deodorant

Deodorants are very important for men as they prevent you from smelling like a brewery. So, if your boyfriend is not using any deodorant then he will have a fishy smell.

4. He is not shaving regularly

If your boyfriend has a five o’clock shadow then he will have a fishy smell. If your boyfriend is not taking proper care of his skin then he will smell like a fish.

5. He is not washing his hands

If your boyfriend does not wash his hands properly then he will smell like a brewery. So, he will be the one to ask you for the soap.

6. He is not wearing clothes that fit him

If your boyfriend is not wearing clothes that fit him, then he will be the one to smell like a brewery.

7. He is not showering

If your boyfriend is not taking proper care of his body then he will smell like a brewery.

8. He is not eating right

Men who don’t eat right will smell like a brewery. He will smell like a brewery because of the food that he is eating.

9. He is not getting enough sleep

If your boyfriend is not getting enough sleep then he will smell like a brewery.

10. He is not going to the doctor

If your boyfriend is not going to the doctor then he will smell like a brewery.


You must be wondering that why your boyfriend is smelly and why he is behaving like a fish. Well, there are many reasons that can be the cause of it. If you want to avoid your boyfriend from smelling like a brewery, then you must follow these 10 tips.

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