My Girlfriend Smells Bad Down There

We girls will try everything to attract someone, but if you have a girlfriend and she is not attracted towards you, then what will happen? If you think that she is not attracted towards you then you are wrong.

Girls are not attracted towards you just because you have a strong and masculine body, but it is the way of your attitude that will make her attracted towards you. And if you don’t have any confidence in yourself then she won’t be attracted towards you.

So, it is your responsibility to make yourself more confident and make her attracted towards you. If she doesn’t like you then she will surely tell you. And if she doesn’t like you, then it will be very difficult for you to understand why she is not attracted towards you.

But if you have a girlfriend and you think that she is not attracted towards you, then you need to know why. If you have any questions regarding this, then you need to talk to your girlfriend and ask her. Because there is no way to tell if she is not attracted towards you.

Here are some tips for you to find out if she is attracted towards you.

Ask her to tell you how she feels

If you don’t know that what attracts you, then you need to know. Ask your girlfriend to tell you how she feels when you are kissing her. If she is attracted towards you then she will kiss you back, and if not, then she will just keep staring at you.

If you don’t have the courage to talk to her, then you can also call her and ask her.

Look at her face

If you look into her eyes and if you feel that she is not attracted towards you, then you can ask her why. If you look into her eyes and you feel that she is attracted towards you, then you can ask her why.

Look at her lips

Look at her lips and if you see that she has a bad odor on her lips, then you can ask her why. Look at her lips and if you find that she is not attracted towards you, then you need to know why.


I hope you liked this post “How To Tell If Your Girlfriend Smells Bad Down There”. If you think that your girlfriend is not attracted towards you, then you need to know the reason.

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