Questions To Ask A Guy When You Are Dating

Did you ever wonder why you are single? It is because you haven’t found the right person for yourself. The reason behind this is your bad decision while selecting a partner. If you are really serious about finding a life partner then you should ask yourself the following questions.

1. What type of personality do you like in a partner?

The answer to this question depends on what you want to look for in your life partner. If you are looking for someone who will respect you and help you to get rid of your problems then you should look for a partner who has a positive attitude. But if you want to get married to someone who will make your life a better one then you should look for a partner who is open-minded and helpful.

2. How much money is he/she willing to spend on you?

A man should be ready to spend his hard earned money on you. He needs to know that you are the only one who will be responsible for all the expenses. You should also discuss how much he will contribute towards the maintenance of your family.

3. What is the age gap between you?

We all have our own standards regarding age gap, but it is important to keep an age gap between you and your partner. If you don’t care about the age gap then you will end up in a situation where your partner will feel offended and you will lose your respect and trust.

4. Is he/she good looking?

The most important thing that you should consider is the physical appearance of your partner. Even though you may not be interested in someone’s physical appearance, it is important to find out what you like and what you don’t.

5. What is his/her hobby?

Do you know what your partner’s hobby is? If you don’t then it will be better to find out before you get married. There are many things that will make your relationship strong and successful like the hobbies of your partner.

6. Does he/she smoke?

This is one of the most common mistakes that we make while selecting a partner. Many of us don’t consider smoking as a big deal and some of us even start smoking after marriage. If you are thinking to get married then it is important to find out if your partner smokes or not.

7. What is his/her religion?

Many people think that their religion will define their personality. But this is a misconception. Most of the times, the people who have the same religion do not get along. So, it is better to find out the religion of your partner.

8. How much time is he/she willing to spend with you?

Before you get married, you need to ask your partner how much time he/she is willing to spend with you. Some men and women are not ready to compromise their time and money to keep you happy.


It is important to find out what your gut wants. It will be better if you know the answers to the above questions and also you can have a deeper understanding about your partner.

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