What is a Pillow Princess?

What is a pillow talker? The word pillow talker simply refers to women who lay there motionless during intercourse and don’t do anything at all. Firstly, the word pillow talker, is normally directed toward women who are either bisexual or involved in a gay sexual relationship who enjoy getting oral sex from men but do not wish to reciprocate.

What is a pillow talker? To answer my own question, what is a pillow talker defined as, in general, a woman who lays in bed motionless while having intercourse with her man. Often times, she may rock back and forth, and sometimes, just to make small talk. A pillow princess is often described as a “sissy” or a “princess”. The sexual appeal of these descriptions are not mutually exclusive, and to use them to categorize women, I would argue that a sexual person can fall into either category, and a sexual person can be a pillow queen.

What is a pillow queen? A mattress queen, to use a different definition of the term, is a woman who like to have sex, but does not necessarily initiate it. She may, however, enjoy participating in an exchange of bodily fluids, such as a bath or sexual encounter. In my opinion, this definition should be expanded to cover women who enjoy sex, but do not necessarily initiate it, such as a girlfriend.

Why would a straight man be interested in a “pile”? It’s a question that has crossed the minds of straight men since the beginning of time. It seems, straight men, when they are excited about having sex, tend to “pile” themselves up on the bed or on the couch, literally with their pants down. When this occurs, the semen leaks out onto the mattress. Some men claim that it gives them a rush of blood rushing to their penises; others claim that it is a method of relieving tension.

So what is a pillow princess? Pillow princesses are women who indulge in sexual acts, but who also like to share the experience by sharing bodily fluids with another woman. In other words, when a straight man “piles himself up,” he is telling his partner that she is sexy, sensuous, and available for some “love making”. This makes it seem as though he is only interested in having sex with her, but in reality, he really wants to “penance” her – that is, to masturbate – with another woman. Women who enjoy being involved in eroticism often find themselves attracted to these sort of women, because they are so similar to them sexually (both in terms of arousal, tastes, and preferences).

Some women like to combine pillow-making and masturbation: because they can both be very sexually stimulating. One woman makes a point to send her boyfriend pictures of her “in the doggy style”, and he invariably gets turned on by this act. Women who have a taste for seduction may send their lover’s snoring or screaming “YESS!” at the most inopportune times!

The fact is that these aren’t your typical “princesses” – they’re normal, everyday women, who happen to enjoy sexual play and sharing.

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