Why Do I Smell Like My Boyfriend Down There

There are many men who love to smell. They have different reasons for smelling and one of the reason is to enjoy their sex life.

Why do you smell like your boyfriend?

This is one question that is being asked by women as well as men. This is because everyone has a different perception about the smell of a person. Everyone has a different smell and each person is unique.

But when it comes to the smell of your boyfriend, you might have been smelling the same way for a long time.

It is really interesting that how many men and women have different perceptions about the smell of a person.

Some people don’t like to smell and some people like to smell. One thing that is common between men and women is that they both love to smell.

Here are some important facts about the smell of a person:

Smelling is the most powerful sense that can affect you.

When it comes to the smell of a person, your sense of smell is much better than your other senses. It is the first sense to detect smell and it is the last sense to detect smell.

Every person has his own fragrance.

When it comes to the smell of a person, he has a specific aroma and it depends upon the type of food that is eaten, the kind of clothes that he wears, the weather that he goes through, the temperature, the time of day and many other factors.

The most important thing is that no two people have the same smell.

There are many different smells that can be created by a person. The body produces different kinds of smells which are released from the sweat.

We don’t know how to smell and it is the same for a man.

Let us know more about the reasons that you smell like your boyfriend.

1. You eat the same food as your boyfriend.

The food that you eat is also the same as your boyfriend’s food and that is the reason why you smell like your boyfriend.

2. You share the same room as your boyfriend.

If you stay together with your boyfriend, you will get a chance to smell him and it will be the same for you.

3. You stay in the same place as your boyfriend.

If you stay together with your boyfriend, you will be in the same place for a longer time. It will become difficult for you to smell anything else except your boyfriend.

4. You wear the same clothes as your boyfriend.

If you wear the same clothes as your boyfriend, you will smell him and that is the reason why you smell like your boyfriend.


You must be thinking that you are the only person in the world who is experiencing this.

It is really interesting to know that there are many other people in this world who are facing the same problem.

So, if you want to smell like your boyfriend, then I suggest you to follow the points mentioned in the article.

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