Why Does He Keep Me Around If He Doesn’t Want A Relationship?

Everyone wants to find someone who loves him and who will stay with him forever, but this is not an easy task. In our daily life, we will meet a lot of people but not all of them will treat us well. Some of them will keep you around just because of their own reasons. Let’s find out the reasons behind it.

1. The reason is that you are a good person

If he is keeping you around just because you are a good person, then he must be happy and feeling good with you. In this case, you don’t need to get worried as you are doing something right.

2. He likes you

If he keeps you around without any expectations, then this is a sign that he likes you. He is not interested in having a long-term relationship with you.

3. He likes you because you look like his mother

If he is keeping you around as a mother figure or as a friend, then you should know that he is not interested in you. He has a better chance of finding someone who looks like his mother.

4. He is just afraid of losing you

It is normal for everyone to feel insecure in some way or the other, but if you are the only one he is losing because of his insecurity, then you should know that you are in the wrong place.

5. He is afraid of commitment

He is not ready for a committed relationship, but if you are in a relationship with him and he is still not ready for marriage, then this is not the right time to break up. You are doing the right thing by staying with him.

6. He is trying to forget his past

If he is keeping you around as a reminder of his past, then you need to know that he is trying to forget his past. You are not the right person for him and he is not ready to let go of his past.

7. You are too much for him

Sometimes people come into a relationship when they don’t know what they want. They start dating someone who is completely different from them and this causes a lot of trouble. If you are too much for him, then you need to understand that you are the reason behind his insecurity.

8. He is just going through a phase

If you are his first girlfriend, then you need to understand that he is going through a phase. He is not ready to commit himself to you, but he will be ready to get back to you once he finds the right person.


All the above reasons might be the reason behind your boyfriend keeping you around, but this does not mean that you should stay in this relationship. You are the only one who can decide what is best for you, so do not waste your time and energy.

I hope the above-mentioned reasons will help you to know why your boyfriend is keeping you around. This article will make you understand that there is nothing to be scared about. You are doing the right thing by staying with him.

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