Why Does It Hurt When I Make Love To My Wife?

Sex is a wonderful feeling which makes us enjoy a lot. It is the most common feeling which is associated with romance. Many people think that it is the only reason behind attraction.

There is no doubt that sex plays a major role in a relationship. When we talk about sex, then we must be aware of the fact that it is not always a pleasurable experience for a man. In fact, the majority of men face this problem, while talking about sex.

The main reason behind this issue is that they are unable to satisfy their partner. If you are facing this problem, then it is important for you to understand that there are a number of reasons behind this. The most common reason is the lack of proper knowledge and experience.

Here is the list of 5 reasons why it hurts when we make love to our wife:

1. She is not ready

The most common reason behind this is the lack of communication between a couple. You should always try to talk to your partner to know whether she is ready or not.

You can ask her what she wants to do, how you can make her feel better and more relaxed, and many more things. If you don’t share this information with your partner then you will never know what she wants and what she wants.

2. Lack of lubrication

Another reason for this problem is that women don’t use enough lubricant before having sex. If you are not using sufficient lubricant then it will increase the chances of pain and discomfort.

3. Your wife isn’t interested in having sex

It is possible that your wife is not interested in having sex. In such a case, it is better to spend some quality time with her. You can play games, watch movies, have dinner together, go shopping, etc.

4. You are too lazy

It is possible that you are not interested in making love. If you are having this attitude towards sex then it will make your partner sad and frustrated.

5. Too much foreplay

Many couples make love in the middle of foreplay. But it is not a good idea because it will make your partner feel uncomfortable. So, you must take a good amount of time to know what your partner wants.


In conclusion, these are the most common reasons which make your wife feel uncomfortable during sex. It is always better to be honest and communicate with your partner so that you can avoid these issues.

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